
Flea Market Secrets

1.Finding Locations

The first thing to do when starting a flea market business is to find a location.A Visiting a flea market directory is the first step.A This will tell you where the flea markets in your home state are.A Make a list and write down their times, locations, costs, and any rules about what you can sell.A The next of the flea market secrets requires a road trip.

2.Visit Each Location

Vendors who know the top flea market secrets for profitable sales always visit potential markets before they decide to sell there.A What are they looking for?A When you visit a new market, look for two things: market and competition.A Notice what type of people are shopping at the flea market.A Does it attract families with a lot of kids, or serious collectors?A

Besides studying the people at the market, pay attention to what the flea market vendors are selling.A As with any business, the flea market secrets to top profits is low competition.A

3.Consider Cost

Once you find a few flea market locations near your home, with a good shopper demographic, and low competition for your type of merchandise, consider the cost of doing business at each.A Not only should you take into account the actual cost of the table or booth rental, but figure out how much gas it will cost to get there.A Also consider the cost of food and drinks you will consume while selling.

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