
How to Make a Watch Display Case

Do you have a collection of vintage watches you want displayed in a case, either at home or perhaps in your store? This article walks you through step-by-step instructions on building a portable wooden watch display case two feet long and one foot wide and two inches deep, able to hold 15 to 20 watches. All that is required in accomplishing this task is a few carpentry tools, plywood, wood stain or paint of your choice, hardware and a pre-cut piece of glass.

Things You'll Need:

  • Measuring tape 1/2" high-quality smooth-finish plywood Circular saw 1/4" plywood Sander Wood stain or paint of your choice A pre-cut piece of glass One-inch wood screws Screwdriver Glue Cloth lining of your choice


Cutting the Pieces for Your Watch Display Case

  • Step 1
    Take the piece of 1/2" plywood and measure out a piece two feet long and one foot wide for the bottom of your display case. Cut this piece out with the circular saw.

  • Step 2
    Measure out two pieces that are two feet long and two inches wide each from the 1/2" plywood. Cut these out for two of the sides for your case.

  • Step 3
    Measure and cut out two pieces from the 1/2" plywood that are each 11 inches long and two inches wide for the other two sides.

  • Step 4
    Cut out two sections from the 1/4" plywood that are each 1'11" long and 1 3/4" wide. These are part of the inset to hold the glass over the watches.

  • Step 5
    Measure and cut out two sections that are 10 1/2" long and 1 3/4" wide for the other sections of the inset.

  • Step 6
    Sand any rough edges off all cut pieces. Apply wood stain or the paint of your choice and allow to dry.

  • Step 7
    Go to a local glass shop and have a piece of 1/4-inch-thick glass cut so that it is 1' 10 7/8" long and 10 7/8" wide for the display window of your case. Have all edges smoothed and finished.

  • Constructing Your Watch Display Case

  • Step 1
    Gather the four outer sides of your case and form a rectangle. Place the two-feet-long pieces parallel to each other one foot apart on their short edges. Complete the rectangle by placing the 11-inch-long pieces on each side in between the other pieces. Drive two screws through each end of the longer side pieces into the shorter pieces. You now have a frame for your display case that is two feet long, one foot wide and two inches deep.

  • Step 2
    Lay the frame flat and attach the bottom of your case to it. Place the bottom piece over the frame and drive a screw every three inches into the frame through the bottom, all the way around the frame.

  • Step 3
    Turn the finished section over on the bottom and gather the four inset pieces. Place one 1' 11" piece inside the case against the long side of the case so it is up on its edge. Squeeze some wood glue in between the inset piece and the side piece and press together. Repeat this process in attaching the other three inset pieces all the way around the inside of the box. You now have an inset for the glass that is 1/4" deeper from the outer sides of your display case.

  • Step 4
    Cut your cloth to fit across the bottom of your case and up the 1 3/4" sides of the inset pieces. Spread glue over all surfaces inside the case and carefully attach the cloth. Allow to dry.

  • Step 5
    Set the piece of glass on the insets inside the case. The glass will be even with the top of the four sides.

  • Step 6
    Your new watch display case is now ready to use.

    CD Spindle Earring Stand

    A very simple project to take the leftover stuff from a stack of blank CDs and make a stand to hold earrings. 

    CD Spindle Earring Stand

    step 1Find a suitable CD stack spindle
    I had a stack of blank CDs stored on this spindle. There was also a plastic cover, but it's unfortunately gone to the landfill, as I couldn't figure out another use for it. But the spindle that held the blank CDs was quite nice, and the little plastic top that held the whole thing together screwed on nicely. Obviously this won't work with just any spindle without som…

    step 2Drill holes in the CD
    I had a stack of CDs with useless data on them. This one came from a tourist bureau, and I liked the color, so decided to have the colored/label part show. You could also put the silver, shiny side up. Start with the CD. I used a Dremel cutting tool, but a power drill would also work. 1) clamp the CD firmly to a piece of wood. The wood will have a few dozen tiny …

    step 3Glue drilled CD to spindle top
    First figure out where the CD and the top of the spindle are touching. There were relatively few contact points on mine. That influenced my decision about what glue to use, as I wanted to use a glue that would 'fill in' a little, and increase the area of the bond. Household GOOP was perfect. Epoxy would likely also work fine. I usually squeeze the goop out onto a p…

    step 4Assemble
    Here's what mine looked like when I screwed it back together.

    step 5Load with earrings and admire
    Now you can end the jumble of earrings on your dresser, and have all your lovelies neatly displayed and ready for action. If I can find a tall enough spindle, I'm going to try to do something with necklaces next.



    Flea Market Sales Tips with notes on Cost and Tax

    1. To determine how much you should charge for each item, take into account how much the item cost you, tax, and shipping charges, then multiply that total 2 to 3 times for sales to your customers.
    2. Before you set up your booth, place price tags on each and every piece of merchandise you intend to sell.
    3. If you are selling items in a state that requires you to charge sales tax at a flea market, then be sure to note on each price tag that there is “tax included.”
    4. Some states require you to obtain a business license with tax ID and display it in your booth. They may also require you to charge state and/or federal income tax, but you can pass that cost along to your customers as noted above. Usually they will offer temporary licenses for each time you set up a booth at a flea market, but some will require you to pay an annual license tax amount.
    5. Make a checklist of items you need to bring for the business side. We recommend:
    6. pens and markers
      price tags
      scotch tape
      reference table of sales tax
      calculator or adding machine
      an extra roll of receipt tape
      cash box with adequate change and smaller bills

    Tips on Display at your Flea Market Booth

    1. Make sure that you and your booth are clean. Dress nicely, but casually. You need to look approachable.
    2. Arrive early so that you will have plenty of time to set up your booth up before the flea market opens. You may reduce your set up time by carefully labeling your merchandise and display materials in boxes you bring.
    3. Plan to deal with changing weather conditions at an outdoor flea markets Bring plastic sheets to protect your merchandise against rain and clips to hold the covers securely to the table in case of wind.
    4. Use a clean and pressed fabric for your table cover that is large enough to cover your table and drape all the way to the floor. It is more attractive and it gives you a good place to store boxes out of view.
    5. Take a picture of your booth when you are done setting it up. You can examine the picture later to see what elements you like and what you think could use improvement.
    6. Be certain that you have brought enough merchandise to last through the entire sale.
    7. Use display racks. Products on display at eye-level are the first noticed. You can purchase display racks from or have a handy person make them for you.
    8. When displaying jewelry, use black or white materials for display. The contrast makes the jewelry catch the eye better.
    9. You should also consider using your own body as a means of displaying your jewelry. If you do this, wear clothing that will have good contrast with the jewelry and show it off well.
    10. Replace items that have sold with new merchandise right away.
    11. If you choose to accept credit cards, then be sure to make a sign letting people know.
    12. You should also make signs that display your web site’s URL and prominently display your business cards.
    13. Even at flea markets, some states require that you display your business license. Check with the flea market organizer to be sure.
    14. Some additional tips of handy things to bring:
    15. paper towels or handi-wipes
      shopping bags
      brooms and dustpans
      extension cords
      a Trash can


    Before The Fair Flea Market Gathering

    1. Organize your products. It helps to have everything you sell in one container if possible. A plastic tub, backpack or suitcase on wheels all work well.

    2. Imagine what your table will look like. Make sure it is inviting and not too cluttered looking. If you’ve never done a flea market before, it helps to do a dry run-through at home and set everything up. That way you can spot if there’s anything you need. Remember everything you used to set up and keep it all together until the big day. If you have a canopy or booth, make sure you know how to set it up.

    3. Label every item with prices or clearly written signs. Labels are better, some people just don’t read!

    4. Load everything into your car the night before so it’s all ready to go early Sunday morning.

    5. Get change at the bank. It depends on the prices you ask for your products, but always have, at the very least: (5) $1.00 bills, (4) $5.00 bills and (1) $10.00 bill. That’s the bare minimum! People like to break their $20s in the morning so lots of $5.00 bills are helpful.

    On the Day of the Gathering

    1. Allow yourself plenty of time to get there. Plan to arrive near the beginning of set-up time. If you finish setting up early, take a break and mingle with other vendors until the sale starts!

    2. People don’t usually come to flea markets to buy stuff they NEED, they come to see if there’s anything they WANT. It’s your job to show them why they want something. Many vendors never sit down unless it’s a really slow period.

    3. Don’t hover over people, just organize the table or sort through excess inventory, something menial so people don’t feel they’re interrupting if they have a question. Standing behind your table makes people more comfortable asking a question about a product and more comfortable buying from you.

    4. If a person browses through things for a while, or fingers the sunglasses, perhaps casually mention they can try them on if they’d like or recommend a pair of earrings you think might look good on them. And be honest! If someone tries something on that doesn’t match their face shape or hair color, tell them! But recommend something new in its place. They’ll appreciate your honesty and be more inclined to try more things on. Now, rather than deciding WHETHER to buy or not, you have them deciding WHICH product to get. That’s the key to a sale.

    5. It’s more fun if you can get a friend to help you out, but don’t feel like it’s a priority. It DOES help though, to have friends stop in throughout the day and monitor the booth when you have to use the restroom, grab a bite to eat or just get out and browse other booths. Try not to ask the vendor next to you to watch your stuff while you run an errand. It’s nerve-wracking for both of you because you’re entrusting your stuff to them, and they’re stretched enough trying to handle their own business. Plus, with no one behind the table, you’ll lose potential sales anyway. If you must ask them, recognize they’re doing YOU a favor and maybe bring them back a water or a snack or something.

    Suggested Supply List
    • Collapsible camp chair. You won’t be sitting much, but it’s nice to have.
    • Table(s). The lighter, the better.
    • Table covers that reach close to the ground. Do not have bare tables. Always use nice fabric!
    • Boxes to put on the tables and under an attractive fabric to vary the height of the sales area. This adds visual interest and invites buyers.
    • Card stock paper for signs
    • Bags so buyers can easily carry the items they buy from you
    • Permanent markers (several colors)
    • Pens
    • Scissors
    • Pad of paper for notes
    • Tape (both scotch and packing tape)
    • Calculator
    • Extra price tags or stickers
    • Camera. It’s always nice to take a picture of the table you spent forever setting up.
    • If appropriate, bring business cards or something with your contact information and a holder or display for them.
    Hot Tip
        Buy an apron or something with easily-accessible pockets, because you DON’T want to keep your money in a cash box. It just takes a second for someone to grab it and take off running with your profits. Plus, you look ridiculous carrying it to the bathroom with you. Don’t think you’re just going to keep the money in your jeans pocket either, because (a) it’s not comfortable carrying a roll of bills in your form-fitting jeans and, (b), it’s easy for a stray dollar to fall to the ground.
        If You’re Selling Jewelry
        • Displays: It’s more fun to use something other than traditional flocked velvet displays you get at jewelry supply stores. Consider using a spinning cd rack to hold earrings. Necklaces can hang on decoration trees. It’s also nice to have shallow bowls or trays to hold bangles or things that won’t get tangled up.
        • Mirror for customers (bring Windex wipes to keep it sparkling throughout day)
        • Extras of everything you use: earring hooks, necklace clasps, wire, etc.
        • Extras of most popular beads or charms you use
        • Earring clip cards
        • Small clear zip lock bags to protect customer purchases: the 3”×3" size for individual pieces. Make sure your business cards fit them and slip one into each bag you give out.
        • Needle-nose pliers, wire cutters
        • Ruler. Some people may want to know the length of a necklace.
        • Small price stickers
        • Jewelry cleaning cloth
        • Sterilization supplies to use after earrings are tried on

        Wyoming flea markets

        CASPER - - DAILY

        Tuckway's Flea Market. 4040 Sam Howell Road. Used merchandise, collectibles, bric-a-brac of all kinds, western items. (307) 234-0756.


        Casper Super Flea. Central Wyoming Fairgrounds. Route 220. Hours 10am to 5pm. Seasonal market June through October. Adm charge 50 cents, ample free parking. Indoor market. Antiques, collectibles, new and used merchandise, far and ranch items, western & Indian jewelry, crafts and gifts. Space from $20. per table. Approx 50 dealers. Snackbar, restrooms, h/a. c/p Bruce Smith, 1625 S. Kenwood St, 82601. (307) 234-6663.

        CASPER - - SAT & SUN

        Eagle Hall Flea Market. Eagle's Hall. 306 N. Durbin. (307) 234-6663. Call for current schedule as market is rather erratic.

        CHEYENNE - - DAILY

        Bart's Flea Market West. 408 E. Lincoln. Indoor market with approx 40 dealers. (307) 632-0063.

        CHEYENNE - - DAILY

        Tee Pee Flea Market. 3208 S Greeley Highway. Hours 10am-7pm. Indoor market with approximately 30 permanent booths. Collectibles, small antiques, some furniture. Some new and used merchandise. (307) 635-8535.

        CHEYENNE - - DAILY

        Bargain Barn Flea Market. 2112 Snyder Avenue. Hours Monday-Saturday 10am-6pm, Sunday 12pm-5pm. Indoor market with approximately 25 permanent booths. Collectibles, crafts, new and used merchandise. c/p Bill Lucas. 3556 Concord Rd. 82001. (307) 635-2844

        CHEYENNE - - DAILY

        Frontier Wholesale Flea Market. 1515 Carey Avenue. Hours 10am-6pm. Indoor market. Collectibles, glassware, crafts, new and used merchandise. (307) 634-4004.

        CHEYENNE - - DAILY

        Downtown Flea Market. 312 W. 17th Street. Antiques, furniture, western collectibles, 2nd hand items including great home furnishings & decorator items. (307) 638-3751.

        CHEYENNE - - DAILY

        Avenues Flea Market. 315 E. 7th Avenue. Indoor market with approx 50 dealers. c/p Darla Wellman, (307) 635-5600.

        CHEYENNE - - DAILY

        Odds 'N Ends Flea Market. 1408 Greeley Highway. Collectibles, souvenirs, glassware, western items, used merchandise. Home furnishings, (307) 635-3126.

        LARAMIE - - DAILY

        Bart'S Flea Market. 2401 Soldier Springs Rioad. Indoor market with approx 25 dealers. (307) 632-0004.

        LARAMIE - - DAILY

        Golden Flea Gallery. 725 Skyline Road. Indoor market with approx 100 dealers. Snackbar, restroom, h/a. (307) 745-7055.


        Sheriden Flea Market. Fairgrounds. New merchandise, imports, sportswear, gift items, collectibles, sports memorabilia, crafts. Call fairground office for dates.

        Wisconsin flea markets

        Adams -- Sat & Sun

        The Adams Flea Market May thru October
        from 8am to 4pm. Gates for vendors open at 6am.
        Located at 556 S. Main (State Highway 13) in
        Adams, Wisconsin (twenty-five miles north of Wisconsin Dells).
        Free admission and parking.
        Wide variety of merchandise including antiques, collectibles,
        flowers, produce, Amish candy, jellies, new and used items.
        Rates:$8 or $11 per day per space, table provided.
        Sheltered spaces available. no reservations required.
        Contact: Irene Steffen
        2151 State Hwy 13
        Adams, WI 53910
        (608) 339-3079

        CALEDONIA - - SAT & SUN

        7 Mile Fair Flea Market. 2720 W. 7 Mile Road. I-94 & 7 Mile Road. Exit 15 miles south of Milwaukee. Hours 6am-5pm. Ample parking, adm charge $1.25. Approximately 750 dealers. Large commercial market with worlds of new and trendy merchandise, imports and new collectibles. Management does not wish this flea market referred to as a flea market, so when you're at their market... call it a fair. But, by its very nature it really is a flea market and an exceptionally fine one, at that. Outside space available from $25. for the weekend. Plenty of food, restrooms and ample parking. c/p Scott Niles, 2720 W. 7 Mile Rd. 53108. (414) 835-2177. Fax: (414) 835-2968.

        Columbus - 1 Sun. per month

        June 25, July 23, August 27 and Sept. 24 2006
        Sunday Flea Market. Antiques, lots of collector booths, crafts, used merchandise. Home furnishings, housewares, apparel, fashion accessories, crafts, Food available, restrooms. Open June-September. c/p Chamber of Commerce. (920) 623-3699.

        Crivitz -- Thursdays Only

        Memorial Day weekend through Labor Day weekend
        Crivitz Flea Market
        800 Henriette Ave.
        Crivitz, WI 54114
        "Downtown" Crivitz
        Vendors: 40
        Phone Number: (715) 854-2030
        Hours of operation: 7:00am - 2:00pm

        HAYWARD - - TUES & WED

        Hayward Flea Market. Highway 27 & County Road "B". Across the street from the National Fishing Hall of Fame. Hours dawn until dark. Indoor and outdoor market with approximately 75 dealers. Good selection of collectibles, lots of used merchandise and some new goods. Space for $8. Per 12x25 space for one day. Snack bar, restrooms, h/a. c/p Jan Thirty, 10556 N. Sunnyside Ave, 54843. (715) 634-4794.


        Jefferson Bargain Fair. Jefferson Speedway grounds. Highway 18. Antiques, collector booths, mountains of used merchandise, clothing, furniture, farm items, fishing & marine items, auto items, great selection of crafts & decorator items. Food available, restrooms, ample parking. Seasonal market - open during summer months. (414) 835-1168.

        KENOSHA - - FRI, SAT & SUN

        Kenosha Flea Market. 5535 - 22nd Avenue, 53140. Ample parking. New and used merchandise, collector booths, good seleciton of fishing collectibles, art, prints, jewelry, clothing, housewares. Snack bar, restrooms, h/a. Space from $15. c/p Beth Goll, 5535 - 22nd Ave. 53140. (414) 658-3532.


        Van Wey's Community Auction & Flea Market. Route 2. Four miles west of town on Highway 8.

        We currently run according to a date
        card. To receive a date card anyone interested can
        call Mark Van Wey at (715)532-6044. The
        auction starts at 10am and on the two day sales it
        starts at 9:30am. Parking is $0.75, spaces $11 and
        tables are $9 and $11 depending on the size of the
        table. Average attendance 3,500. Approximately 100 dealers. This is a classic country market that will take you back to an earlier time. Antiques, collectibles, primitives, farm items, new, used merchandise, crafts. Cafe, restrooms. Camping nearby. This market has been in existence since 1926. c/p Mark Van Way, W10139 Van Wey Lane, 54848. (715) 532-6044.


        Eighty Five Mile Garage Sale. Runs on Highway 61 in Minnesota and Highway 35 around Lake Pepin in Wisconsin. Buy, sell, shop along the entire route. Great food, fun shopping, everything from locally made crafts to quality antiques. This is a real fun weekend trip. Pay attention to your driving and parking. c/p C of C, Box 150, Lake City, MN 55041. (651) 345-4123.Fax: (651) 345-4195.


        Starlite Swap O Rama. North Fon Du Lac Avenue. Highway 145 and 41. Ample parking. Approximately 75 dealers. Antiques, collector booths, furniture, new merchandise, lots of used merchandise, bric-a-brac, farm items, clothing, housewares. Food available, restrooms, h/a. Open May-November. (312) 774-3900.

        MONTELLO - - SAT & SUN

        Candy's Flea Market. 6 miles south of Montello on Highway 22. Average attendance 200. Approximately 25 dealers. New and used merchandise, lots of bric-a-brac. Antiques, collector booths, crafts. Snack bar, restrooms, h/a. Inside & outside space from $5 daily. Market open May-October. c/p Candy Howell, Rt 1, Box 175A, 53949. (608) 297-2489.


        Mukwonago Flea market. 3rd weekend in July and August and the 2nd weekend in September. 8am-5pm. Over 6,000 vendors. Sponsored by the American Legion. (262) 363-3580

        NEW LONDON - - SAT & SUN

        Flea Market. Pin River Amusement Park Flea market. New merchandise, souvenirs, novelties, used merchandise, crafts. Food available, restrooms. (414) 726-4302. Market open during summer months only.


        Princeton Flea Market. City Park. Highway's 23 & 73. New merchandise, trendy fashion items, antiques, used merchandise, collectibles, crafts. Food available, restrooms.
        c/p Chamber of Commerce. (920) 295-3877.
        Market open Late April-Mid October.


        Shawano Flea Market. Fairgrounds. Highway 29. Market opens at daylight and runs until 5 pm. Admission charge $1. Ample parking. Approximately 200 dealers. Large market, clean, friendly, well managed. Food, special events, antiques, collectibles, new merchandise, crafts and produce are just some of the variety that this popular market has to offer. Delightful tourist area with many interesting shops and attractions. c/p Bob Zurko, 211 W. Green Bay St. 54166. (715) 526-9769. Fax: (715) 524-5675. Seasonal market April thru Mid November.

        ST. CROIX FALLS - - SAT & SUN

        Pea Picking Flea Market. Highway's 8 and 35. Five miles east of town. Hours 6am-5pm. Market open 3rd weekend in April through the 3rd weekend in October. Inside & outside market with approximately 75 dealers. Collectibles, country and farm items, crafts, used furniture. Lots of local food items, cheese, etc. Space from $9 daily. Good food here, restrooms, h/a. c/p Judy Hansen, 1938 Little Blake Lane. Luck, WI 54853. (715) 857-5479.

        WAUTOMA - - SAT & SUN

        Wautoma Flea Market. Junction of Route's 73 and 21. Market opens at 7am and runs until dark. Approximately 20-25 dealers. Collectibles, crafts, furniture, used and garage sale items. Outdoor market open mid-April through November. Space from $8. Market is located int he center of a charming and beautiful vacation & fishing area. c/p Milton Sommer, Rt. 4, Box 42. 54982. (414) 787-2300 or 787-7787..


        Woodstock Antique & Flea market. Fairgrounds. Ample parking. Antiques, furniture, many fine quality collector booths, used merchandise, farm items, auto items, fishing & marine items, some new merchandise. Crafts, local food items, produce. Food available, restrooms, h/a. (715) 526-9769.

        West Virginia flea markets

        BECKLEY - - Saturdays

        Village Flea Market
        Address: corner of RobertC. Byrd Dr. and Neville St.
        Contact: Todd Yonce 304-252-1480
        Number of vendors: 50+
        Hours of operation:700 AM-300 PM
        free paved parking

        BECKLEY - - SAT & SUN

        Beaver Creek Traders Village. I-64, Exit 125. Ample parking. Average daily attendance 3,000. Approximately 100 dealers. New merchandise, electronics, sportswear, souvenirs, housewares, sports merchandise, tools, auto items, used merchandise, garage sale items, collector booths, crafts, produce. Snack bars, clean restrooms, h/a. Live musical entertainment. Outdoor market with space from $5. Camping available on premises. (304) 253-4500 or 638-4700.


        Bluefield Flea Market. Princeton Ave. Parking building. Across from Amtrak Station. Open 7am-5pm. Average daily attendance 1,000. Approximately 150 dealers. Indoor market. Collectibles, crafts, art, lots of local garage sale sellers. New merchandise. Food, restrooms, h/a. Overnight parking. Space from $5. Seasonal market open March-November.c/p Sharon Leffell, City Hall, 514 Scott St., 24701. (304) 327-2401 or 327-8031.


        Capitol Flea Market. Route 114 South. I-79, Exit 5. I-64, Exit 99. Hours 8am-5pm. Ample parking. Indoor/outdoor market with approximately 150 dealers. This market has a good selection of country collectibles & primitives. Usually mining collectibles and Civil War/ military items to be found here. New merchandise, new and used furniture. Space from $31. For a 10x14 booth for the three days. Reservations required. Food, restrooms, h/a. c/p Frances brown, 24 Meadow Brook Plaza, 25311. (304) 342-1626.


        Harpers Ferry Flea Market. Route 340 (Dual Highway) at Bloomery Road. 1 mile South of town. Market opens at daylight and runs until dark. Free adm and ample free parking. Average weekend attendance of 2,500. Approximately 120 vendors. Good selection of country collectibles and farm items. Memorabilia, primitives, glassware. New merchandise and lots of used bric-a-brac. No pornography, fruit or vegetables sales allowed. Largest market in the area. Outdoor market with space from $11. daily. Electricity available. Overnight camping welcome. Food avail, restrooms, h/a. Seasonal market open March-December. c/p Manager, 904 Oregon Trail, 25425. (304) 725-4141 or 725-0092.

        HINTON - - SAT & SUN

        Pence Springs Flea Market. State Route's 3 & 12. Approximately 12 miles from Hinton. Approximately 200 dealers. Large old time country market with lots of used merchandise, mining items, farm items, country collectibles and decorator items. Some new merchandise, antiques, crafts. Food available, restrooms, h/a. Seasonal market open April-October. Space from $3. Camping nearby. c/p Ashby Berkley, (304) 466-2607.



        Westover Drive In Flea Market. Ample parking. Approximately 200 dealers. Large outdoor market with good selection of merchandise, lots of new items and good collectibles. Market open March-December. Food, restrooms. c/p Joseph Nevera, (304) 983-2220.


        Riverfront Antique & Flea market. 1389 University Ave. Route 119. Indoor market with approx 20 dealers. c/p Joan Evanoff, (304) 292-9320.

        PIPESTEM - - SAT & SUN

        Speedway Flea Market. Route 20 North at Drive In. 9 miles north of Princeton. Approximately 50 dealers. New and used merchandise, lots of bric-a-brac and farm items, crafts. Food available, restrooms. Open April-September. Space from $4. c/p Sun Valley Market, Athens-Hinton, Star Rt, Box 175A, 27412. (304) 384-7382.


        Antique Flea Market. Civic Center, downtown. Admission $1. Parking $1. Indoor market with approximately 150 dealers. Antiques, collectibles, art, crafts and some new merchandise. Snack bar, restrooms, h/a. Space from $15. c/p Lela Karges, (304) 233-7000. Call for current schedule.

        WINFIELD - - SAT & SUN

        Flea Market. Route's 34 and 35. Winfield Riding Club. Ample parking. New and used merchandise, bric-a-brac, antiques, collector booths, farm and country items, tack, jewelry, crafts. Food available, restrooms, h/a. (304) 757-9040.

        Washington flea markets


        Grays Harbor Farmers Market & Crafts Fair. Broadway at Market Street. Large farmers market and new and used merchandise, lots of garage sale items, collectibles, crafts. Food available, restrooms. c/p Farmers Market, Rt. 1, Box 333. 98520. (206) 538-0696.


        GRAHAM - - SAT & SUN

        Weekender Swap Meet. 6200 - 296th E. New and used merchandise, clothing, home furnishings, household goods, imports, garage sale items, farm items, collectibles, crafts, produce. Food available, restrooms. (206) 847-9675.

        KENNEWICK - - FRI, SAT & SUN

        Kennewick Flea Market. 310 N. Benton. Hours 9am-5pm. Ample parking. Indoor market with approximately 75 dealers. Collectibles, coins, jewelry, country primitives, new & used merchandise. Food available, restrooms, h/a. c/p Bonnie Turcott, (509) 586-9993.

        LAMONA - - 3RD WEEKEND

        Rendezvous Flea Market. Ample parking. Antiques, furniture, lots of nice collector booths here including Pacific northwest Indian and Eskimo art, jewelry and artifacts, black powder supplies and accessories, new and used merchandise. Food available, restrooms. (509) 784-6124.

        LYNWOOD - - SAT & SUN

        Swap Shop Drive In Flea Market. 17325 Highway 99. Ample parking. New and used merchandise, garage sale items, home furnishings, clothing, imports, surplus, farm items, collector booths, crafts, produce. Snack bar, restrooms, h/a. (425) 743-2294.

        PASCO - - THUR & SAT

        Pasco Farmers Market. Downtown, Highway 12 & East Lewis Street. Hours 6am-4pm. Ample parking. Average weekend attendance 5,000. Approximately 250 dealers. One of the area's largest markets. Nice mix of merchandise. Seasonal market, March-December. This marketplace has a good selection of antiques and collectibles. Lots of new merchandise, sportswear, house wares, auto items, new and used furniture. Food, restrooms, h/a. Camping available. Space from $5. per day. c/p Farmers Market, Box 550. 99301. (509) 547-5035 or 547-7057.

        PUYALLUP - - SAT & SUN

        Swap Meet. Fairgrounds. Ample parking. Antiques, furniture, collector booths, new and used merchandise, clothing, house wares, auto items, sports merchandise, crafts. Food available, restrooms, h/a. (253) 588-8621


        Fremont Sunday Market : Since 1990, A block long European-style out door street market that goes every Sunday rain or shine all year round.
        Hours: 10am to 5pm. . Approx 150 dealers.
        Featuring new and used merchandise, collectibles, bygones, artisan crafts, select world imports, garage sale treasures and vintage clothes. Space from $30 to 40. Pub, restrooms, h/a.
        c/p Jon Hegeman, 3401 Evanston Ave N, 98103
        Info (206) 781-6776

        SPANAWAY - - SAT & SUN

        Overnighter Swap Meet. 6611-296th East. Used merchandise, garage sale items, collectibles. Food available, restrooms. Outside market with camping available. c/p Forest Haag, (206) 847-9675.

        Spokane Valley -- Sat & Sun

        Eden's Off Barker Weekend Flea Market
        3522 N Eden Rd
        Vendors: 40 +

        3522 N Eden Rd.
        Spokane Valley, WA 99216
        Phone Number: (509) 891-7536
        Hours of operation: Sat 9-5 Sun 10-4

        TACOMA Tuesday - Sunday

        Swap & Shop Flea Market. Starlight Drive In Theater. 84th Street. and S. Tacoma Way. Hours 8am-4pm. Ample parking. Indoor/outdoor market with approximately 300 dealers. Booths full of nice antiques and collectibles at this market. Crafts and fine art. Good selection of Indian and Eskimo items. Nice fishing collectibles here. New merchandise, sportswear, electronics, cookware. Indoor market is open throughout the week. Snack bar, restrooms, h/a. c/p Jack Cobb, 3827 S. Tacoma Way, 98499. (253) 588-8090 Fax (253) 588-8929.

        YAKIMA - - SAT & SUN

        Yakima Swap Meet & Farmers Market. Central State Fairgrounds. 10th Street & Nob Hill Avenue. Ample parking. Antiques, furniture, lots of collector booths, good selection of Pacific northwest collectibles, new and used merchandise, crafts. Food, restrooms, h/a. Indoor and outdoor space available from $8. Tables $2. Reservations recommended. Overnight camping nearby w/full hookups. License not required. c/p Yakima Swap Meet, P.O. Box 870, 98907. (509) 454-0212.

        Virginia flea markets


        First Saturday Trade Days. 7th Street, downtown. Hours Friday 12am-4pm, Saturday dawn until dark. Park on street or wherever, parking can be difficult. Outdoor market with approximately 100 dealers. Good selection of collectibles, memorabilia and primitives. Lots of used and new merchandise. Also, plenty of local country crafts. Good food, restrooms. c/p Carl Davis, Box 333, 24517. (804) 369-5001


        Mossy Creek Flea market. 205 S. main Street. Route 42. Indoor market with approx 20 dealers. c/p Bruce Knicely, (703) 828-3942.


        South Boston Mega Flea Market. Halifax Road, Route 501. Hours Friday 12pm-7pm, Saturday 8am-5pm and Sunday 9am-5pm. Approximately 100 dealers. Good variety of new merchandise, used items, many collector booths, art, crafts, books, antiques & furniture. Food available, restrooms. Indoor/outdoor market. Snack bar, restrooms, h/a. Space from $5. per day outside. c/p John Carter, 707 Corn Tassel Trail. Martinsville, VA 24112. (703) 638-7514.

        EDINBURG - - FRI, SAT & SUN

        The Flea Market. Old Valley Pike, Route 11 to Landfill Road. Hours: 9am to 5pm. Indoor/outdoor market with some covered spaces. Approx 50 dealers. (540) 984-8771.

        FRONT ROYAL -- SAT & SUN

        Vendors: 80

        ROUTE 66 EXIT 6, NORTH ON 340/522 FOR 3 MILES
        Phone Number: (540)-635-5827
        Hours of operation: 9:00 AM TO 5:00 PM

        GLOUCESTER - - SAT & SUN

        Stagecoach Markets Antique Market. Route 17 at Route 1420. 45 antique shops and large country outdoor flea and farmers market. This is a great source market lots of treasures at great prices. Food available, restrooms. (804) 693-3951.

        HOPEWELL - - SAT & SUN

        Flea Market. Colonial Corner Shopping Center, exit from I-295. Antiques, collectibles, clothing, furniture, jewelry, flower arrangements.

        LADYSMITH - - SAT & SUN

        The Virginia Bazaar Flea Market. I-95 at Exit 110, Ladysmith. Virginia's biggest & best indoor/outdoor market. Situated on 100 acres, 67,000 sq ft building, heated and air conditioned. 324 indoor spaces (most with electricity), 222 outdoor spaces (some with electricity). Food court, restrooms, h/a, ample parking. Space rate varies. Free parking and admission, special events throughout the year. Market features antiques, crafts, collectibles, a farmers market and general line of flea market merchandise. Hours 9-5 every Sat & Sunday, year round.

        NORFOLK - - SAT & SUN

        Flea Market of Norfolk. 3416 N. Military Highway. Hours 7am until dark. Ample parking. Indoor/outdoor market with approximately 150 dealers. Collectibles, crafts, new and used merchandise. Space from $10. per table per day. One of the largest indoor markets in the area. Restrooms, snack bar. h/a. c/p Robert Ingram, 3416 N. Military Hwy, 23518. (804) 857-7824 or 855-3331. Fax: (757) 853-8393.


        Airline Flea Fair. 3535 Airline Boulevard. I-264, Greenwood West exit. Ample parking. Indoor market with approximately 300 dealers. Antiques, collectibles, lots of memorabilia and country primitives. Crafts, art, new and used merchandise, home furnishings and furniture. Some real interesting booths to poke through at this market. Snack bars, restrooms, h/a. Space from $5. per day on Thursday c/p Philip Knight, 3535 Airline Blvd, 23701. (757) 488-3695.

        Vermont flea markets

        Swanton - - Fri., Sat. & Sun.

        Crazy Mama's Indoor Flea Market
        105 Robin Hood Drive
        Swanton, Vermont
        Phone: David Swainbank 802-524-3655

        Utah flea markets

        MIDVALE - - SAT & SUN

        Rocky Mountain Swap A Rama. 8169 South State Street. New merchandise, souvenirs, used merchandise, good selection of collectibles, western and Indian items. Food available, restrooms. Indoor market with outside vending during summer. (801) 566-0435.

        OGDEN - - SAT & SUN

        Swap & Shop Meet. Exchange Road. Admission charge. Approximately 200 dealers. Antiques, collectibles, silver, jewelry, lots of western and Indian items, farm & ranch items and tack, used merchandise. Food available, restrooms. Space from $3. c/p John Elizondo, Box 9692, 84409.

        RIVERDALE - - SAT & SUN

        Motor View Drive Inn. 5368 South. 1050. Open 7am-1pm. New and used merchandise, farm & ranch items, western & Indian jewelry, art & collectibles, housewares, clothing, jewelry, crafts, lots of primitives. Food available, restrooms. Space from $6. Outdoor space only. No reservations needed. (801) 394-1768.

        SALT LAKE CITY - - SAT & SUN

        Intermountain Independent Flea Market. 3435 S. Main Street. New and used merchandise, housewares, clothing, farm and ranch items, collectibles, crafts. Food available, restrooms. (801) 255-4029.

        SALT LAKE CITY - - SAT & SUN

        Redwood Swap Meet. 3688 S. Redwood Road. Exit I-15 on 33rd South. West to Redwood. Redwood Drive in Theater. Hours 8am-4pm. Ample parking. Adm charge .50. Average attendance of 10,000 for the weekend. Approximately 400 dealers. Antiques, collectibles, crafts, primitives, good country and farm items, new merchandise. Space from $12. per day. Snackbar, restrooms, h/a. c/p Manager, 3688 S. Redwood Rd W. 84119. (801) 973-6060.

        SALT LAKE CITY - - SAT & SUN

        Utah State Fairgrounds Swap Meet. 155 North. 1000 West Fairgrounds. Admission charge. Ample parking. Average daily attendance 3-5,000. Approximately 200 dealers. Antiques, collectibles, crafts, lots of western and Indian items here, new and used merchandise. Mountain man and black powder merchandise. Food available, restrooms, h/a. Space from $7. (801) 538-8440 or 322-4222.

        Texas flea markets


        Flea Market. Old Abilene Town. 3300 E. I-20. Exit 390. Ample parking. Antiques, collectibles, crafts, lots of western and Indian collectibles. Food available, restrooms. c/p W. S. Smith, Rt 8, Box 896, 79601. (915) 675-6588


        Elmdale Flea Market & Antique Shop. 5423 Highway 80E. New merchandise, used and garage sale type finds, antiques and collectibles of all kinds: glassware, jewelry, books, country primitives & Victorian items. (915) 673-8623.

        ALAMO - - SAT & SUN

        All Valley Flea Market. Junction of Cesar Chavez and Expressway 83.hours: Dawn to dark. Adm charge 25 cents. Ample free parking. Primarily new merchandise, imports, gift items, some antiques and collectibles, lots of locally made and Mexican crafts. Indoor and outdoor market with approx 500 dealers. Average atten during the winter is 30,000 shoppers and 15,000 during the summer. Space from $12.50 per day. Food avail, restrooms, showers, camping, rv hookups, h/a. c/p David Villegas, 501 N. Bridge St, #528. Hidalgo, TX 78557. (956) 781-1911. Fax: (956) 781-1911 or 787-8071.

        AMARILLO - - SAT & SUN

        T-Anchor Flea Market. 1401 W. Ross Blvd. Hours 9am-5pm. Plenty of parking. Average daily attendance 5,000. Approximately 100 dealers. Indoor/outside market. Good selection of merchandise here. Collectibles, primitives, advertising items. New merchandise, used merchandise. Snack bar, restrooms, h/a. Space from $20. Camping & elect available. c/p Claudia Blythe, Box 31182. 79120. (806) 373-0430.

        AMARILLO - - FRI, SAT & SUN

        Old I.C.X. Flea Market. Corner 6th & Ross Street's. I-40, Ross Street Exit. Hours 9am-6pm. Ample parking. Average daily attendance 2,000. Approximately 75 dealers. Indoor/outdoor market. Collectibles, jewelry, new and used merchandise. Lots of new collectibles. Space from $21. Per 10x10 for the 3 days. New market. air conditioned, clean restrooms, restaurant. c/p Shirley Roberts, 513 S. Ross St. 79104. (806) 373-3215.


        Shrimp Capital Flea Market. 1242 N. Commercial Street. Route 35. Ample parking. New merchandise, imports, electronics, sports merchandise, clothing, jewelry, housewares. Used merchandise, farm and ranch items. Collectibles, crafts, produce. Snack bar, restrooms, h/a. Space from $5 inside & outside space available. c/p Mary Manning, (512) 758-5812.

        AUSTIN - - FRI, SAT & SUN

        Barton Springs Collectible Market & Trailer Court. 1600 Barton Springs Road. Antiques and collectibles only. Market not open to new merchandise. Outdoor market with plenty of shade. Nice area with some interesting antique shops nearby. Snack bar, restrooms, h/a. c/p Lillie Mae Williams, 11704 N. Lamar. 78753. (512) 836-4966.

        AUSTIN - - SAT & SUN

        Austin Country Flea Market. 9500 Highway 290 E. 5 miles east of I-35 on 290 E. Hours 10am-6pm. Average attendance 20,000. 400+ spaces. This is a classic southwestern market. Lots of new merchandise, western and cowboy clothing and gear. Collectibles, coins, new merchandise, sportswear, housewares. Lots of food here. Restrooms, h/a. Paved & covered spaces from $40 per weekend. Reservations can be made on Mondays 12-5, and Fridays 9-5.
        Overnight camping available on premises. One of the largest markets in the area. Reservations recommended. c/p Rosie Young, 9500 Hwy 290 E., 78724. (512) 928-2795.

        AUSTIN - - MONTHLY

        City-Wide Garage Sale. Intersection of Riverside Drive at Bouldin Avenue. City Coliseum. I-35 at Riverside Drive exit. Hours Sat 10-5, Sunday's 11-5. Admission $2.75. Approx 125 vendors. Antiques, collectibles, used and garage sale merchandise. No new merchandise or crafts allowed. Restrooms, food available, ample parking, h/a. Space from $85. Call for exact dates. c/p Christopher Dwyer, 512 E. Riverside Dr, #104. 78704. (512) 441-2828 or (877) 840-3829. Fax: (512) 441-1918.

        BONHAM - - Weekend before the '2nd Monday

        Bonham Trade Days. 605 Hunter. Highway 82. (903) 583-4811.

        BOWIE - - 2ND MONDAY

        2nd Monday Trade Days. Highway 81 North. 2nd Monday Trade Grounds. Ample parking. Approximately 600 dealers. Excellent outdoor market with strong attendance. Ideal market for the commercial vendor. Lots of new merchandise and misc. Guns to jewelry, antiques to livestock. This is a real fun market for the entire family. Good food, restrooms, h/a. (940) 872-1680.

        BOWIE - - 2ND MONDAY

        Trade City. 408 Pelham Street. Old Highway 287. Approximately 150 spaces. New and used merchandise, farm and ranch items, collectibles, imports, crafts. Inside, covered & enclosed. Food available, electricity, water & restrooms. Across street from 2nd Monday Trade Grounds. c/p Dallas Hutson, Box 1446, 76230. (940) 872-4180.


        Super Flea Market. 1647 Price Road. New merchandise, truck loads of Mexican imports and crafts. Used merchandise, collectibles. Food available. Also, new merchandise, imports, clothing & fashion accessories, tools. c/p Dr. Santiago Gonzales, Box 4030, 78420.

        BUFFALO - - 3RD Weekend

        Buffalo Gap Flea Market. Route 89. Old Settlers Grounds. Six miles south of Abilene. Hours 7am-10pm. Large outdoor market with approximately 250 dealers. A wide range of goods makes the Buffalo Gap marketplace a shoppers bonanza. Antiques, collectibles, primitives, new & used merchandise. Classic wide-open Texas market. This market is open late into the evening. A pure country adventure. Space from $14. for weekend. Market open March-November. c/p John Brollis, Box 575, 79508. (915) 572-3327.

        CANTON - - 1ST MONDAY

        First Monday Trade Days. Held weekend of first Monday. Free ad,m. Ample parking, parking charge $3. Hours daylight to well after dark. 5,000 dealers. This market is so Texas sized big that one can get lost while walking around the grounds. If you are a serious collector/investor, antique dealer or decorator this is a " must stop" market. This market also conducts many popular special events. Sellers can camp in their selling space. Electricity & water available. Showers on grounds. Lots of great food, plenty of restrooms, ample parking. This market is so big that on one Sunday afternoon when the crowds are the largest I actually became lost and it took over one hour to find my way back to my space. A tremendous amount of walking is required and you still won't be able to see everything in one weekend. It has the reputation of being one of the Nation's premier flea markets. Sales reported good for all types of merchandise. This place has it all. It has always been my wife's favorite market. Evenings here are campfires, country musicians, gossip & fellowship; almost movie-like. Sunday is the major day at this market. Historians consider Canton to be home to America's first flea market. Space from $50. Reservations highly recommended. c/p City of Canton, Box 245, 75103. (903) 567-6556. Fax: (903) 567-1753.

        CANTON - - 1ST MONDAY

        Old Mill Marketplace. Highway 64. Two blocks east of Courthouse. Held weekend of first Monday. Satellite market to the big First Monday market. hours: 8am to 5pm. Free adm and paid parking $3. per car and $6. For rv's. Lots of new merchandise, imports, gift items, some antiques and collectibles, primitives, crafts especially Mexican made craft items. Indoor/outdoor market with approx 750 dealers. Space from $45. Per day. Lots of food, restrooms, lots of walking, some difficult. C/p Debbie Davis, Rt. 5, Box 605. 75103. (903) 567-1177 or 567-5445. Fax: (903) 567-5562.

        CLEVELAND - - SAT & SUN

        Olde Security Square Flea Market. 18431 Highway 105. Hours 10am-6pm. Ample parking. Average weekend attendance 2,000. Approximately 250 dealers. Indoor/outdoor and covered space. Wide range of merchandise here, collectibles, primitives, collectibles. Lots of new merchandise and western items. Snack bar, h/a. Camping available. Space from $3. outside per day. c/p C of C, Box 1733. 77327. (281) 592-6017


        Courthouse Square Trade Days. Courthouse Square in Old Town. Hours: Dawn to dusk. Seasonal market, March through November. Free adm, ample parking. Outdoor market with approx 50 dealers. Sponsored by the Heritage Society. C/p Jane Guissinger, (409) 653-2009.


        Corpus Christi Flea Market. 2202 Joyce Street. Approximately 75 dealers. New merchandise, gifts, souvenirs, imports, used merchandise, collectibles, jewelry, clothing. Food available, restrooms. Inside and outside spaces. (512) 851-2015.


        Flea Market. Trade Center Factory Outlet. 2833 South Padre Island Drive. Hours 10am-7pm. Ample parking. Indoor market. Average daily attendance 4,000. Approximately 100+ dealers. Lots of new merchandise, sportswear, housewares, electronics. Collectibles, coins, crafts, memorabilia. Indoor market with space from $55. Several specialty shops here in the market. Snack bar, restrooms, h/a. Camping available. This is the largest indoor market in the area. c/p Manager, 2833 South Padre IslandDr. 78415. (512) 854-4943.

        DALLAS - - SAT & SUN

        The Market Place of DeSoto. 719 N. Hampton Road. Ample parking. Antiques, collectibles, western and Indian items, farm and ranch items, used merchandise. Lots of bric-a-brac. Food available, restrooms. (214) 223-7372.

        DALLAS - - MONTHLY

        Fair Park Flea Market. Fairgrounds, Grand Place Building. Hours 9am-5pm. Admission charge $1. Ample paved parking. Quality antique flea market, with wide selection. Some great western & Indian items here. Monthly event. Restrooms, ample parking & snack bars, h/a.


        Big "T" Bazaar. 4515 Village Fair Drive. Ample parking. Large indoor market with approximately 150 dealers. Lots of new merchandise, housewares, jewelry, furniture, sportswear, electronics, some collectibles. This is a great market for shopping for personal needs and household goods. Plenty of food, restrooms, h/a. c/p Kenneth Lee, (214) 372-9173.

        DALLAS - - FRI, SAT & SUN

        Bargain City Bazaar. 735 N. Westmoreland. Hours 10am-7pm. Indoor market with approximately 150 dealers. Lots of new items here, some collectibles, cards, western items. 100,000 sq ft facility. Snackbar, restrooms, h/a. Space from $25. per table per day. c/p Brady Bryant, 735 N. Westmoreland. 75211. (214) 330-8111.

        DENTON - - SAT & SUN

        Denton Flea Market Mall. 3105 Ft Worth Drive. (Highway 377). Approximately 150 vendors. New merchandise, used garage sale type merchandise, antiques, collectibles, western items. Food available, restrooms. Indoor/outside market. Space from $2. Camping & electricity available. (940) 566-0060.

        DIBOLL - - DAILY

        Olde Frontier Town Traders Market. Highway 59. 5 miles south of Lufkin. Indoor/outdoor market with some covered spaces. Approx 50 dealers. Space from $5. Food vendors welcome. Snackbar, restrooms, h/a. (409) 632-8696.

        Elmendorf -- Sat. and Sun.

        Braunig Lake Open Air Market --
        Located off I-37 Exit 130
        14050 Southton Road
        Elmendorf, Texas 78112
        (210) 633-2500
        145 Vendors

        EL PASO - - SAT & SUN

        Ascarte Drive In Theater Flea Market. 6701 Delta Drive. Hours 5am-6pm. Ample parking. Large outdoor market with approximately 350 dealers. Wide range of goods at this market. Mostly new, imports & discounted merchandise. Good pickin's for shrewd buyers. Bring a big truck and plenty of green money. Snack bar, good food, restrooms, h/a. c/p Artemio Juarez, 6701 Delta Drive. 79905..(915) 779-2303. Fax: (915) 779-8265.

        EL PASO - - SAT & SUN

        Bronco Swap Meet. 8408 Alameda Ave. Hours: 8am to 4pm. Free adm and ample free parking. Large commercial outdoor market with approx 300 dealers. Mountains of new merchandise and imports, used merchandise, garage sale items and lots of Mexican crafts. Snackbar, restrooms, h/a. c/p (915) 858-5555.


        1901 N. MAIN
        FORT STOCKTON, 79735
        Phone: 432-336-2157


        Ft Stockton Trade Day. I-10 & Highway 1053. Antiques, collectibles, furniture, new and used merchandise, farm and ranch items, livestock, produce, crafts. Food available, restrooms. Outdoor market. Space from $10. Camping available on premises. Market open to food vendors. (915) 336-2933.

        FT. WORTH - - FRI, SAT & SUN

        The Market Center. 4950 Highway 337 South. Approximately 75 dealers. New merchandise, western wear, electronics, housewares, jewelry, used merchandise, collectibles, crafts, produce. Food available, restrooms. c/p Ray Hayes, (817) 244-2330.

        FT. WORTH - - SAT & SUN

        Ft. Worth Flea Market. Will Rogers Memorial Center. 3301 W. Lancaster. Ample parking. Antiques, collectibles, lots of western & Indian jewelry, art and collectibles here. new and used merchandise, farm and ranch items, crafts, produce. Food available, restrooms, h/a. (817) 473-0505.

        FT. WORTH - - SAT & SUN

        University Drive In Theater Flea Market. Highway 199. Ample parking. New merchandise, imports, clothing, jewelry, electronics, tools, sports & western wear. Used merchandise, garage sale items, crafts, collectibles, produce. Snack bar, restrooms.


        Flea Marketeers Mall. 4621 Ft. Crockett Blvd. Ample parking. New merchandise, imports, clothing, electronics, jewelry, housewares. Used merchandise, crafts, collectibles. Snack bar, restrooms.

        GARLAND - - SAT & SUN

        Vikon Village Flea Market. 2918 Jupiter Road. Hours 10am-7pm. Ample parking. Excellent indoor market with approximately 150 dealers. Wide range of merchandise, lots of new items, sportswear, furniture, housewares, some collectibles. This is a very pleasant market for shoppers. I have found some real treasures here. Food available, restrooms, h/a. c/p Manager, 2918 S. Jupiter Rd. 75041. (972) 271-0565.


        Traders Village Flea Market. 2602 Mayfield Road. Hours 8am to dark. Free adm. Parking charge $2. Inside, outside and covered spaces. Over 2000 selling spaces. Heavy attendance. A thoroughly professional market. Plenty of good food, restrooms. Lots of walking here. Considered by many to be America's finest flea market. Certainly the finest market in entire region. Reservations suggested. Many special events held in conjunction with the market. This is a great market for bargain conscious shoppers. For sellers it is a good place to sell or buy at wholesale. It is always an excellent source market for new merchandise & imports. There are quite a few direct importers who have booths here. On the lighter side, this market has little Cushman beer carts that bring beer (and soft drinks) around to your booth.) These little carts are a most welcome sight coming down the row to your booth on those hot Texas summer days. c/p Manager, 2602 Mayfield Rd, 75051. (972) 647-2331 or 647-8205. Fax: (972) 647-8585.


        Traderama. State Highway 34. Approximately 50 dealers. New merchandise, mountains of used & garage sale merchandise, farm & ranch items, crafts, collectibles, antiques, produce, livestock. Food available, restrooms. Space from $4.

        HARLINGEN - - SAT & SUN

        All Valley Flea Market. "H" Street and Expressway 77. Approximately 100 dealers. New merchandise, mostly Mexican imports & crafts. Jewelry, housewares, collectibles, produce. Food available, restrooms. Space from $2. c/p Harvey Bruns, P.O. Drawer 908, Mission, 78572.

        HOUSTON - - SAT & SUN

        The White Elephant Flea Market. 15660 East I-10 Freeway, East. Channelview Exit. Hours 7:30am-5:30pm. Ample parking. Large indoor/outdoor market with approximately 350 dealers. Furniture, jewelry, electronics, collectibles, lots of used and garage sale items. Snack bar, restrooms, h/a. Space from $12. c/p Ruth McDaniel, Box 209. 77530. (713) 452-9022.

        HOUSTON - - SAT & SUN

        The Houston Flea Market. 6116 Southwest Freeway. Route 59. Hours 8am-6pm. Ample parking. Indoor/outdoor market with approximately 250 dealers. Good selection of goods at this flea market with lots of new merchandise, western & cowboy items, farm & ranch items & supplies, home furnishings, clothing, tools, electronics. Also plenty of collectibles and memorabilia. Food, restrooms, h/a. Space from $45 per weekend. c/p Mary Wright, Box 573007. 77257. (713) 782-0391. Fax: (713) 781-0642.

        HOUSTON - - SAT & SUN

        Traders Village. 7979 N. Eldredge Road. Hours 8am until dark. Ample parking, parking charge $2. Indoor/outdoor market with approximately 500+ dealers. Wide range of merchandise at this market makes this a bargain hunter paradise. Perhaps the area's finest market. Always good entertainment and many special events each weekend. Space from $20. per day. Lots of food, restrooms. RV park on grounds. Plan for lots of walking. c/p Charles Portales, 7979 N. Eldridge Rd, 77041. (281) 890-5500. Fax: (281) 890-6568.

        HOUSTON - - FRI, SAT & SUN

        Trading Fair II. I-610. 5512 S. Loop. Crestmont exit on Loop 610. Hours 10am-6pm. Ample parking, parking charge $1. Indoor market with approximately 400 dealers. Worlds of new merchandise, imports, gifts & trendy desirables. New collectibles. antiques & collector items, memorabilia, crafts. Costume & fine jewelry. Food, restrooms, h/a. c/p W. S. Henkle. 5515 S. Loop E. 77033. (713) 731-1111. Fax: (713) 731-1121.


        156 Speedway Flea Market & Auction. 9539 Industrial. 76247. Highway 156 between Justin & Highway 114. c/p Nancy McCullar, (940) 648-8812 or 464-3164.


        Bordertown Flea Market. 359 E. Hebbronville Highway. 3 miles East of city. Hours 7am-60m. Ample parking. Average daily attendance 2,500. Approximately 200 dealers. NAFTA hard at work here. Mountains upon mountains of Mexican imports. Sellers - If you want to be an importer without crossing the border, just bring big truck and lots of green money to this market. Food available, restrooms. Outdoor & covered space. Space from $10 undercover & $7. open. Camping available on site. This market is located 3 miles from Mexican border. (956) 726-1186.

        LOCKHART - - SAT & SUN

        Lockhart Flea Market. Brownsboro Road. Hours 8am until dark. Ample parking. Outdoor market with covered booths, approximately 150 dealers. Antiques, collectibles, lots of used merchandise here. Country entertainment. Space from $15. per weekend. Camping & electricity available. Market open to food vendors. c/p Henrietta Kaufman. (512) 398-4901.


        National Flea Market. 1808 Clovis Road. Hours 9am-5pm. Ample parking. Average daily attendance 500. Approximately 150 dealers. Indoor, outdoor and covered spaces. New merchandise, sportswear, electronics, housewares, some antiques, collectibles, crafts. Snack bar, restrooms, h/a. Space from $15. outside. c/p Debi Grant, 1808 Clovis Rd. 79415. (806) 744-4979. (Fax: (806) 744-4979 or 744-0164.

        MASON - - 3RD WEEKEND

        Old Mason Market. 1100 Ft. McKavitt. 100 miles west of Austin. 100 miles north of San Antonio. 100 miles from San Angelo. 39 minutes north of Fredericksburg, 25 minutes west of Llano. Indoor/outdoor market with some covered sheds. Antiques, collectibles and new merchandise. Approx 120 vendors with an average daily atten of 2,000. Space from $30. outside, $60. shed and $90. inside. Reservations recommended. Overnight camping with electricity and showers available. Restrooms. Food available, ample parking. c/p Old Mason market, P. O. Box 1840. 76856. (915) 347-1840. Fax: (915) 347-6320.

        MCALLEN - - SAT & SUN

        The Flea Market. 2400 S. 23rd Street. Adm charge, ample free parking. Outdoor market with covered space. Market is 7 miles from Mexican Border. Market opens at 7am and runs until dark. Mountains of Mexican imports and produce. Lots of used merchandise, garage sale items, western collectibles. Approx 4-500 dealers w/average daily atten of 5,000. Space from $5. Food available, restrooms. Camping avail. (956) 687-4513.

        MCALLEN - - 1ST SUNDAY

        First Sunday Flea Market. Villa Real Convention Center. Benson Road, Highway 83. Market open at daylight and runs until dark. Ample parking. Admission charge .50. Approximately 250 dealers. This flea market is strong on antiques & collectibles. Great selection of western & Indian art, jewelry and collectibles. Food available, restrooms, h/a. c/p Hilda Reyes, Box 1099, Alamo, TX 78516. (956) 781-1911.


        Third Monday Trade Days. Highway 380 West. Free adm & parking $2. Per car. Hours: 8am to dark. Outdoor market. Approximately 400 dealers. Excellent outdoor market for all types of merchandise. This is a large, well managed market with a wide range of merchandise. It is a classic, wide open Texas flea market in every sense. Shoppers will find everything from fine art and antiques to worn out junk all mixed together. Lots of walking. It's an all day adventure here, with treasures and bargains aplenty. Space from 435. Per weekend. Good food, restrooms. c/p Manager, 3rd Monday Trade Day, 4550 W. University Dr. 75070. (972) 562-5466 or 542-7174. Fax: (972) 562-5466.

        MERCEDES - - SAT & SUN

        Valley of Mercedes Flea Market. Expressway #83, Mile marker #2 West. Between Mercedes and Westlake. Hours 6am-dark Ample parking, parking charge $.25.. Indoor/outdoor market with approximately 400 dealers. Good selection here, lots of new merchandise, imports, sportswear, jewelry, crafts, art. Collectibles, coins, advertising items, primitives. Good food, restrooms, lots of walking. Space from $4.50 outside, $6. Shaded space.. c/p Sylvia Villegas, 21 E. Coma, #115. Hildago, TX 78577. (956) 781-1911 or 565-2751. Fax (956) 787-8071.

        MIDLAND - - FRI, SAT & SUN

        Rankin Highway Flea Market. 2840 Rankin Highway. Hours 7:30-6pm. Approximately 50 dealers. New merchandise, electronics, sportswear, jewelry, housewares, western wear, used merchandise, collector lines, crafts. Space from $5. per day outside. Food available, restrooms. Indoor/outdoor market.. Camping available. c/p Joseph Romine, 2840 Rankin Hwy. 79706. (915) 684-5060.

        PASADENA - - FRI, SAT & SUN

        Pasadena Flea Mart. 5400 Spencer. Inside and outside market with approximately 100 dealers. New merchandise, western wear, housewares, electronics, sports merchandise, sportswear, jewelry, boots, collector booths, crafts, nostalgia items. Food available, restrooms. Space from $15 per weekend. Camping available on premises. (713) 998-8510.


        Cole's Flea Market & Antique Village. 1014 N. Main Street. (Route 35 and Telephone Road.) Hours 7:30-pm-6pm. Ample parking, $1. parking charge. Inside and outside spaces with approximately 5-600 dealers. Antiques, collectibles, furniture, glassware, crafts, lots of new merchandise. Food available, restrooms, h/a. Space starts at $40 for the weekend. c/p Manager, 1014 N. Main St, 77581. (281) 485-2277.

        PHARR - - SAT & SUN

        All Valley Flea Market. 807 E. Highway 83. Approximately 300 dealers. Large commercial market with lots of new merchandise and imports. Collectibles, crafts, produce, livestock, pets, and mountains of used merchandise of every variety. Food available, restrooms. Space from $2.50 per day.


        Progresso Flea Market. Approximately 1 mile north of Progresso International Bridge. Ample parking. Average attendance 6,000 on weekends. Approximately 200 dealers on weekends. See NAFTA up close and personal. Mountains of Mexican imports and produce. Sellers, if you have a big truck and lots of green money you can become an importer without crossing the border. Food available, restrooms. Closed on Tuesdays. Space from $4 daily. Camping available on premises. (512) 565-1702.

        Rising Star -- FRI, SAT & SUN
        Fourth Friday Week-ends, March thru Nov.

        Rising Star Trade Days
        713 W. Hwy. 36, Rising Star, TX 76471
        Contact: Sherry or James at (254) 643-1611
        Number of vendors: Varies - Usually 30 to 40
        Hours of operation: 9:00 till 5:00, Fri/Sat/Sun

        ROCKPORT - - FRI, SAT & SUN

        Pirate's Cove Flea market. Austin Street, downtown. Outdoor market with approx 20 dealers. c/p Maryjane Knight, (361) 790-8658 or (281) 337-1946.

        SAN ANTONIO - - FRI, SAT & SUN

        Austin Highway Flea Market. 1428 Austin Highway. Ample parking. Hours 7:30 am until dark. Approximately 150 dealers, antiques, collectibles, new & used merchandise, crafts, produce. Snack bar, restrooms, h/a. Space from $19. c/p Ed Barley, 1428 Austin Hwy, 78209. (512) 828-1488.

        SAN ANTONIO - - SAT & SUN

        Eisenhauer Road Flea Market. 3903 Eisenhauer Road. Hours for indoor mall Monday-Friday 12am-7pm. Outdoor flea market Saturday and Sunday 9am-7pm. Ample parking. Indoor/outdoor market with approx 200 exhibitors. Indoors open daily, indoor/outdoors on weekends. Great selection of new merchandise here, electronics, sportswear, housewares, lots of discounted new merchandise. Collectibles, memorabilia, primitives. Good food here, restrooms, h/a. Space from $15. c/p Pat Walker, 3903 Eisenhauer Rd, 78218. (210) 653-7592. Fax: (210) 657-1692.

        SAN ANTONIO - - SAT & SUN

        Flea Mart. 12280 Highway 16 South. Hours 10am-6pm. Admission charge $1. Ample parking. Average weekend attendance 25,000. Approximately 600 dealers. Outdoor market with covered spaces. Great selection of goods here. Various types of food here for hungry shoppers. Clean rest rooms. The market has live entertainment, live music & many family activities. Space from $40. per weekend. Camping available. c/p Tom Browning, 12280 hwy 16 South. 78224. (210) 624-2666.

        SAN ANTONIO - - SAT & SUN

        Northwest Flea Market. 3600 Fredericksburg Road. Hours: 8am to 5pm. Ample parking. Indoor air conditioned market. New and used merchandise, imports, clothing, crafts. Food available, restrooms, h/a. Space from $14. c/p James Maxwell, Northwest Flea Market, 3600 Fredericksburg Rd, 78201. (210) 736-6655.

        SCHERTZ - - SAT & SUN

        Bussey's Flea Market.
        18738 I-35 North. Exit 175 or 177.(176 from New Braunfels or 176 from San Antonio).
        Hours Tuesday-Friday 8am-5pm. (office hours) Saturday and Sunday 7am until dark. (hours of operation)
        Ample parking. Outdoor market with approximately 500 dealers. Wide range of goods here, lots of western and cowboy items and apparel. Loaded with Mexican goods. Crafts, art, collectibles, coins. Used merchandise.
        ($10 or $15 on Sat. and $20 or $30 on Sun.) Reservations required. Food, restrooms, h/a. c/p Harold Smith, 18738 I-35 N. 78154.
        (830) 651-6830, (210) 651-6830 or (830) 609-0800

        SEVEN POINTS - - SAT & SUN

        Big Daddy's Traders Market. Highway 274. 1 mile South of Seven Points. Hours 8am-6pm. Free adm. Ample parking. Approximately 100 dealers. Indoor/outdoor market with covered spaces. Collectibles, crafts, new merchandise, sportswear, electronics, housewares. Space from $22. for weekend. Snack bar, restrooms, h/a.. c/p Jim Shafer, Box 43718. 75143. (903) 432-4911. Fax: (903) 778-2887.


        2nd and 4th weekends of every month.

        The Chicken House Flea Market. Highway 377. Free adm. Ample parking. Approximately 200 dealers. New merchandise, sportswear, tools, jewelry, sports merchandise, toys, electronics, lots of Mexican imports and crafts. Collector booths, sportscards, coins, silver, linens, glassware. Crafts. Snack bar, restrooms. Indoor and outdoor under cover. Food vendors allowed at this market. Norman Deisher-Owner/Billie Jackson-Manager. 254-968-0888.


        Great American Indoor Flea Market. 2615 New Boston Road. (214) 793-7700. Free adm & ample free parking. Primarily indoor market with lots of new merchandise, used merchandise, collectibles, decorator items. Snack bar, restrooms, ample parking. Limited outdoor space. Approximately 300 booths inside. This is the market that Ross Perot might have gotten his start at. (903) 793-7700.

        VIDOR - - FRI, SAT & SUN

        1-10 Golden Triangle Flea Market. 445 W. Freeway. 6 miles East of Beaumont. Hours 8am-6pm. Ample parking. Average daily attendance 10,000. Large commercial market with lots of new merchandise, mountains of used desirables, collectibles, antiques, crafts, produce. Snack bar, restrooms, h/a. Outdoor/indoor market. Camping available. (409) 769-4100.

        WACO - - SAT & SUN

        Prices Unlimited Flea Market. 2728 LaSalle & 2729 LaSalle. (I-35 & LaSalle). Hours daylight until dark. Ample parking. Approximately 400 dealers with an average daily attendance of 10,000. Collectibles, memorabilia, lots of new merchandise, and used items. No food or drink sales allowed by outside vendors. Market has 2 cafes and a beer garden. Restrooms, h/a. One of the better markets in the area. Space from $5. Camping available. c/p Darrell Goetsch, (254) 662-6616.


        First Monday Trade Days. Friday, Sat & Sun, preceding the first Monday of each month. Downtown. Hours 7am-7pm. Free adm and paid parking $3. Classic outdoor Texas market. Antiques, collectibles, new merchandise, guns, animals, lots of western and cowboy items, new and used merchandise. space from $40.00 Per 12x24 space for the weekend. Good food, restrooms, parking is on street with lots of walking to see everything. c/p First Monday, Box 1504. 76086. (817) 596-8586.


        Holliday Street Flea Market. 2820 Holliday Road, Wichita Falls, TX 76301. Free adm. Average daily attendance 4,000. Approximately 250 dealers. Indoor/outdoor and covered spaces. Collectibles, crafts, new and used merchandise, lots of discounted and surplus items here. Space from $8. Camping & electricity available. (940) 767-9038.


        Wimberley Market Place. Halfway between Wimberley & San Marcos. Ranch Road No. 12. Arts, crafts, antiques & quality flea market items. Currently 250 spaces. Overnight camping. Elect available. c/p Terry Williams, P.O. Box 8, 78676. (512) 353-0300.

        WINNIE - -

        Open on the weekend following first Monday

        Larry's Old Time Trade Days. Highway 110, Exit 829 Highway 1663. 20 miles West of Beaumont.
        Hours daylight until dark. Ample parking, parking charge $3. Market is outdoors with covered spaces. The Trade Days are held on the weekend following the first Monday of the month. Average attendance 45,000 per weekend. Food vendors welcome. Always over 500 dealers. This is another classic, wide open Texas flea market. It is a good source market for market peddlers, shopkeepers, and decorators as many sellers will wholesale. Lots of great food, restrooms, h/a. Space from $30. Reservations recommended. c/p Brenda Barron, 14902 Highway 1663. Winnie, TX 77665. (409) 296-3300.