
Five Things to Avoid when Selling at a Flea Market

The majority of vendors at the flea market are regular people. Not many of them are fancy, and quite a few are downright eccentric. The different types of flea market vendors are part of the charm of selling at a flea
market. But every once in a while, you get a vendor next to you that does nothing but annoy. If you do not want to be that annoying flea market vendor, here are five things to avoid.

Annoying Flea Market Vendor - All Day Music

One of the most annoying things the vendor at the next table or booth can do is blast music all day long. Ones who do this often miscalculate the sheer number of different songs needed to fill a whole day at the flea market. They end up playing the same selections over and over again. Also, it always seems that their music tastes vary greatly from yours. If you like hard rock, they will play polkas. If you like opera, hip hop will be blaring out of their speakers.

Annoying Flea Market Vendor - Running Engines

Even more annoying than loud music is the eternally running engines. This may be the car engine of the other vendor, a generator to provide electrical hookups, or the motors of whatever yard equiptment they might be selling. Not only are these things loud, they belch nasty odors into the air.

Annoying Flea Market Vendor - Space Hogs

Every flea market vendor pays for a certain amount of space: either a booth, table, or simply a spot on the ground. When a vendor tries to usurp your space, it is very annoying. If, after completely setting up the merchandise, you notice your neighbor is not using one corner of his spot, you can ask politely if you can put an item in it. Never take what isn't yours.

Annoying Flea Market Vendor - The Sales Call

While shouting out information about your merchandise or super low prices is expected at the flea market, flea market vendors who do it continuously, or in an obnoxious manner, are annoying. It is fine to shout, "Two
t-shirts for just $10.00!" when you see a crowd of eager shoppers coming. Keeping up a continuous scream of "Hey! Hey! Hey! Get your fuzzy wool socks here. They keep your toes happy and warm. Two dollars a pair and I'll throw in a look at my manly chest hair for free. Hey! Hey! Hey!"

Annoying Flea Market Vendor - Leaving Your Table

One of the most annoying things a flea market vendor can do is leave his table unattended and expect you to tend it for him. These people will set up in the morning and then spend most of their time getting coffee, using the restroom, and shopping, than actually selling their items. Invariably, they will come back to their table and ask you with a grin, "Did anyone buy anything?" or "No one stole anything from my table, right?" No matter how many times you answer, "I was busy paying attention to my own stuff," they will not change their tune.

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