
How to Sell Used Clothing at the Flea Market

Used Clothing Flea Market Sales - Choosing the Clothes

Children's used clothing sells a lot faster than adult used clothing, unless you have a particular brand or popular style. People are more apt to purchased used children's clothing because kids grow out of clothing so quickly.

Choose the used clothing to sell by the quality and style of the clothing. Do not attempt to sell items that are completely out of style, unless you are clever at marketing them as retro. Basics like jeans, good quality coats, and baby clothing are good choices.

Used Clothing Flea Market Sales - What to Check For

Before offering any of the used clothing for sale at the flea market, you must check for defects and damage. Remember that the quality of the clothing will reflect on you. If you sell bad merchandise, word will get around the flea market and people will stop coming to your table.

Check every piece of used clothing for obvious stains. Small stains in out of the way places are acceptable in most cases. Also check for rips, seams or hems with broken stitches, and worn sections. Working zippers, buttons and snaps, and waistbands, collars, and cuffs must be checked carefully.

Used Clothing Flea Market Sales - Displaying the Clothes

The best way to display clothing for sale at the flea market is to hang them up and use garment racks. Things like t-shirts, sweaters, and jeans can be folded neatly on your flea market table. However, if you have a large quantity of used clothing for sale, you can create discount bins that people can dig through. Hang your best used clothing up or display it on your table, but toss all the sweaters and t-shirts in a rubbermaid tub or an old baby playpen.

Used Clothing Flea Market Sales - How to Price Used Clothes

Pricing used clothing at the flea market depends largely on the market and the quality of clothing you are selling. Most flea market shoppers are looking for super bargains. Do not try to sell a pair of used jeans for ten dollars unless they are a super name brand. You are competing with thrift stores.

Business suits, dresses, and coats will be your most expensive used clothing items. The next tier - items that could be priced from five to ten dollars - would include jackets, top quality jeans, name brand clothing, and complete outfits. Any single items should be one to three dollars. It is a great idea to have special super discount sales to bring people to your flea market table and shift unwanted goods as well.


How to Make a Watch Display Case

Do you have a collection of vintage watches you want displayed in a case, either at home or perhaps in your store? This article walks you through step-by-step instructions on building a portable wooden watch display case two feet long and one foot wide and two inches deep, able to hold 15 to 20 watches. All that is required in accomplishing this task is a few carpentry tools, plywood, wood stain or paint of your choice, hardware and a pre-cut piece of glass.

Things You'll Need:

  • Measuring tape 1/2" high-quality smooth-finish plywood Circular saw 1/4" plywood Sander Wood stain or paint of your choice A pre-cut piece of glass One-inch wood screws Screwdriver Glue Cloth lining of your choice


Cutting the Pieces for Your Watch Display Case

  • Step 1
    Take the piece of 1/2" plywood and measure out a piece two feet long and one foot wide for the bottom of your display case. Cut this piece out with the circular saw.

  • Step 2
    Measure out two pieces that are two feet long and two inches wide each from the 1/2" plywood. Cut these out for two of the sides for your case.

  • Step 3
    Measure and cut out two pieces from the 1/2" plywood that are each 11 inches long and two inches wide for the other two sides.

  • Step 4
    Cut out two sections from the 1/4" plywood that are each 1'11" long and 1 3/4" wide. These are part of the inset to hold the glass over the watches.

  • Step 5
    Measure and cut out two sections that are 10 1/2" long and 1 3/4" wide for the other sections of the inset.

  • Step 6
    Sand any rough edges off all cut pieces. Apply wood stain or the paint of your choice and allow to dry.

  • Step 7
    Go to a local glass shop and have a piece of 1/4-inch-thick glass cut so that it is 1' 10 7/8" long and 10 7/8" wide for the display window of your case. Have all edges smoothed and finished.

  • Constructing Your Watch Display Case

  • Step 1
    Gather the four outer sides of your case and form a rectangle. Place the two-feet-long pieces parallel to each other one foot apart on their short edges. Complete the rectangle by placing the 11-inch-long pieces on each side in between the other pieces. Drive two screws through each end of the longer side pieces into the shorter pieces. You now have a frame for your display case that is two feet long, one foot wide and two inches deep.

  • Step 2
    Lay the frame flat and attach the bottom of your case to it. Place the bottom piece over the frame and drive a screw every three inches into the frame through the bottom, all the way around the frame.

  • Step 3
    Turn the finished section over on the bottom and gather the four inset pieces. Place one 1' 11" piece inside the case against the long side of the case so it is up on its edge. Squeeze some wood glue in between the inset piece and the side piece and press together. Repeat this process in attaching the other three inset pieces all the way around the inside of the box. You now have an inset for the glass that is 1/4" deeper from the outer sides of your display case.

  • Step 4
    Cut your cloth to fit across the bottom of your case and up the 1 3/4" sides of the inset pieces. Spread glue over all surfaces inside the case and carefully attach the cloth. Allow to dry.

  • Step 5
    Set the piece of glass on the insets inside the case. The glass will be even with the top of the four sides.

  • Step 6
    Your new watch display case is now ready to use.